Saturday, 16 March 2013




 FEE: £1500 + materials budget

Application Deadline: Midnight, Friday 19 April

 Install dates: 5 – 9 Aug 2013 

Exhibition dates: 10 Aug – 31st Oct 2013

We call for a Wonder Room, in which the oddities and ecstatic wonders of the unknown world collide with the darkest, bloodiest grotesqueries and with monsters. We call for the intricate interplay of fiction, narrative and the adventurer’s tales with collected objects. We call for drama, resonance and the romance of possibility. The faded label, the sealed box, the glass cabinet, the pinned beetle. We call for your ideas. You are an artist, or an artist who curates; perhaps you have collaborators. You have the ability to make, perform, recall, subvert, unsettle, emote, explode, reimagine, evoke, horrify, terrify or inspire. We want you to make us an exhibition with the potential to inspire that most elusive and desirable response from visitors: WONDER.   

This exhibition will be the final one of four making up The Monument Project at PPG, a year dedicated to exploring the ways in which the contemporary artist can engage with history. A parallel theatre project is taking place and the successful artist(s) will be working in collaboration with award-winning young Glasgow theatre company Fish and Game, who will be producing a piece of i-pad theatre to connect with the exhibition. For this exciting project we are looking for proposals which surprise us and inspire us. We are open to unusual exhibition formats and new possibilities. The gallery space is 20 feet by 20 feet  approx, with a ceiling height of approximately 17.   


*      No questions please, just proposals*      

        To apply, send us the following by midnight on Friday 19 April 2013:

  • A curriculum vitae for each artist        
  •  5-10 images of previous work or a link to your website
  • A proposal. Your proposal must include a concise statement of ideas on a single A4 page but     other than that, feel free to surprise us. 
Email responses to:

Or submit by post to:
Kate Sloan
The Peter Potter Gallery
10 The Sands,
East Lothian
EH41 3EY




 FEE: £1500 + materials budget

 Application Deadline: Midnight, Sunday 28 April

 Install dates: 27 – 31 May 2013 

 Exhibition dates: 1 June – 3rd Aug 2013

During 1661 and 1662 Scotland experienced one of the largest witch hunts in its history - in the space of sixteen months no fewer than 660 people were publicly accused of various acts of sorcery and diabolism. The hunt began to the east of Edinburgh, where 206 individuals were named as witches between April and December 1661. The town of Haddington in particular – holds the dubious record of having executed the most witches in Europe. As part of The Monument Project, the Peter Potter Gallery is calling for an artist – or several artists – to propose work which explores this savage period of paranoia and persecution. 

The history of the witch hunt is full of physical references. The narratives around accused witches are full of plaited knots of hair, skin, urine, blood. The strange phenomenon of the professional ‘witch-pricker’ appeared across Europe, in which the accused witch was stripped and moles and scars pricked with needles. If the accused did not bleed, they were found to be guilty. In addition to the sheer physicality of the mythology around witchcraft, there is much evidence of both mental illness and serious crime amongst witches. Often crimes such as infanticide which disrupted the notion of the maternal instinct featured in cases of witchcraft.

Inventive proposals which engage with any aspect of this history are welcomed:


*No questions please, just proposals* 

To apply, send us the following by Midnight on Sunday 28 April 2013:

  •  A curriculum vitae for each artist
  • 5-10 images of previous work or a link to your website
  •  A proposal. Your proposal must include a concise statement of ideas on a single A4 page but other than that, feel free to surprise us. 
Email responses to:

Or submit by post to:

Kate Sloan
The Peter Potter Gallery
10 The Sands,
East Lothian
EH41 3EY


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